Pepper Hash - American Pikliz

Pepper Hash - American Pikliz

1. Combine the vinegars. Add the sugar and salt to the vinegars, and stir until they've dissolved.

2. Slice the cabbage as thinly as you can. I do it by hand and it is fairly tedious (this is the reason for the long prep-time in the recipe). Another option is to use the food processor, which results in a dish the consistency of KFC slaw; Be careful - it is really easy to end up with cabbage mush.

3. Seed & slice the green pepper, also very thinly.

4. If using the scotch bonnets or habaneros, seed & slice those super thinly. These are really spicy peppers (for those unfamiliar); handling them can burn your hands, and the burn can last a few days. I use disposable gloves when I cook with scotch bonnets or habaneros.

5. Place the cabbage, green peppers, and all spices and seeds in a large container with a tight-fitting lid. Pour the vinegar mixture over it. Shake.

6. The pepper hash can be eaten immediately. The flavor meld well over time. It lasts in the fridge for several weeks.


