Peppery Peanut Soup

Peppery Peanut Soup

1. Heat olive oil in a large stock pot, medium heat.

2. Add green onions and celery and saute until soft, approx 8 minutes.

3. Blend in flour (I always whisk flour into hot items) until roux is formed.

4. Add stock and milk and heat stirring well until thickened (15 minutes or so).

5. Reserving stock, strain vegetables and puree in food processor.

6. Return pureed vegetables to stock.

7. Reheat on low to medium low fire.

8. Add peanut butter and whisk until well blended.

9. Add chilies and lemon juice and heat over medium low fire until simmering (another 15 minutes).

10. Add salt to taste and garnish with peanuts and chives.


