Perfect French Toast

Perfect French Toast

1. Heat 10- to 12-inch skillet or large griddle over medium heat for five minutes.

2. Using a regular blender or a hand blender beat egg, milk, melted butter and vanilla until just combined. Add sugar, flour, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg and blend until smooth and no flour lumps remain.

3. Place mixture in shallow pan or pie plate. Soak bread about 40 seconds per side for challah and about 30 seconds per side for other breads. Do not over soak the bread.

4. Swirl about one tablespoon of butter in the hot skillet or griddle. Pick up bread and allow excess batter to drip off. Transfer bread to skillet. Cook until golden brown, about two minutes on first side and one and one half minutes on the second side.

5. Repeat with remaining slices. Add butter to skillet or griddle for each new batch.

6. Serve immediately with syrup, butter, confectioner’s sugar or any fruit topping.

7. Note: If using a dense bread such as Italian, French or dense bakery bread with fruit and nuts use only one tablespoon of flour.


