Perfect Lasagna

Perfect Lasagna

1. Brown the italian sausage in a large skillet.

2. Drain off excess fat, add the tomatoes and tomatoe paste and basil.

3. Simmer for about 5 mins and add a dash or two of sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

4. Continue to simmer while you boil the lasagne noodles until just shy of al dente.

5. Drain and set aside.

6. Mix together the ricotta and pesto.

7. Set aside.

8. Place a layer of noodles in the bottom of a lasagne pan or large casserole.

9. Place a layer of the ricotta mixture over this, then a layer of sliced mozzarella and finally a layer of the red sauce.

10. Repeat, ending with red sauce.

11. Bake in a 350 degree oven until bubbly.


