Peshawari Naan Bread (Bread Machine)

Peshawari Naan Bread (Bread Machine)

1. Add all ingredients (except the sultanas) to your bread machine in the order your machine recommends. If your machine recommends pre-heated liquids, just heat the skimmed milk till it's lukewarm.

2. Start your machine on the dough setting.

3. 10-15 minutes before your machine stops mixing and starts proving, (some machines beep at this point) add the sultanas.

4. Preheat your oven to 250C and have 3 shelves in it.

5. Grease 3 flat oven trays.

6. When the bread machine has finished, tip out the dough onto a floured board.

7. Tear off a chunk of dough about 1 sixth of the total size and flatten out with the hands to a pear shape about half the size of your tray. Do not use a roller as the bread probably won't rise. Repeat till you have 6 naans on your trays.

8. Bake in the oven for about 7 minutes, or until the bread just begins to colour.

9. The bread can be frozen in bags for later use.


