Philadelphia Raspberry Romance Torte

Philadelphia Raspberry Romance Torte

1. Grind up the cookies into crumbs using a food processor or by hand.

2. Melt butter and mix with the cookie crumbs and press into a parchment lined Springform pan.

3. Using a mixer, combine cream cheese, yogurt, vanilla sugar, and salt together.

4. Mix the gelatin in 150 ml of cold water and let soften for 10 minutes. Add the sugar, stirring and gently heating until the gelatin has dissolved. Quickly whisk into the cream cheese mixture.

5. Place a third of the cream cheese mixture into the springform pan, mix another third of the mixture with the berries (quartered and sliced), place on top of the first layer, then top with the remaining cream cheese mixture. Let set and chill for 3 hours.

6. Garnish with some extra berries laid out to resemble a heart shape.


