Pickled Sweet-Sour Trout (Bratforelle Suess-Sauer)

Pickled Sweet-Sour Trout (Bratforelle Suess-Sauer)

1. Bring the water with peppercorns, bay leaves, mustard seeds, salt, chili flakes, and sugar to a boil.

2. After about 2 minutes add the vinegar and boil very briefly. Season to taste the broth and add seasonings to personal taste.

3. Add onions and garlic to the liquid and pull about 10 minutes. Then keep the broth hot.

4. Heat pan with oil to medium heat.

5. Mix flour and lemon pepper.

6. Pat dry fish and cover in flour mixture.

7. Fry fish on both sides for about 3 minutes.

8. Put fish in container and cover with vinegar mixture, if not covered make more of the vinegar mixture accordingly.

9. Marinate for at least 24 hours, it is better after 36 hours. If kept in cool, dark place, it will remain okay for more than a week.

10. Serve cold or at room tempature with potato salad or fried potatoes.


