Pineapple Coconut Risotto

Pineapple Coconut Risotto

1. In small sauce pot, combine poineapple juice, coconut milk, and chicken broth. Bring to simmer, and keep warm.

2. Melt butter in larger stock pot.

3. Add onion and cook on medium heat until translucent.

4. Add rice and stir until butter is absorbed (about 3 minutes).

5. Stirring constantly, add about 1/2c of the liquid to the rice.

6. Stir until most of the liquid is absorbed.

7. Add another 1/2c addition of liquid, and stir until liquid is mostly absorbed.

8. Continue adding liquid 1/2 cup at a time, until rice is tender.

9. Not all arborio rice is the same. Liquid amounts may be more or less than the 3 cups. Risotto is done when the rice is soft and creamy, with a little bite in the center of each grain. This will take about 20 minutes to achieve.

10. When rice is cooked, stir in parmesan cheese and pineapple.

11. season with salt and pepper.


