Pineapple In Port (Ananas Em Porto Com Hortela Picada)

Pineapple In Port (Ananas Em Porto Com Hortela Picada)

1. Slice the top and bottom off the pineapple, stand it on end, and slicing straight down, remove all the prickly peel.

2. Cut the pineapple lengthwise into 8 wedges, slice off the hard core at the point of each wedge, then slice the wedges about 1/4" thick, making small, fan-shaped pieces.

3. Place the pineapple fans in a large, non-metallic bowl, add the Port and toss to mix.

4. Cover and chill 3 to 4 hours.

5. Add the minced mint and chill another 30 minutes.

6. To serve, spoon into stemmed glasses and garnish with mint sprigs.

7. Note: While this is lovely as it is, you can dress it up into an extraordinary recipe by serving it, parfait style, with Coconut Sorbet (recipe 170147) or with Greek style yogurt sweetened with honey.


