Pink Salmon Pasta

Pink Salmon Pasta

1. Fry chopped onion, carrot, celery and garlic in ev olive oil until soft but not coloured. Add white wine and allow to completely cook away. Add tomatoes and simmer for at least an hour. Season with herbs of your choice and salt and pepper. Boil angel hair pasta in salted boiling water until done to your liking. Drain pasta.

2. Now I combine the sauce, pasta and pink salmon in the following manner. I use this method because I want to produce a pasta that is only 'coated' in sauce, not 'swimming' in it. I place a saucepan over low heat and add alternate quantities of pasta and the tomato sauce and toss together until well combined. I only add enough sauce to the pasta to colour and lightly coat the pasta. When I am happy with the balance, I add the flaked salmon, tossing it through the pasta until it is all combined.

3. Serve topped with parmesan or romano cheese and torn fresh basil leaves, and hot chilli (pepper) flakes if you like. Delicious!

4. Enjoy.


