Pistachio Ice Cream With Almond Biscotti And Whipped Cream

Pistachio Ice Cream With Almond Biscotti And  Whipped Cream

1. Boil 2 cups of water add it to the bowl of pistachios and allow to blanch; drain the pistachios and rub them between a kitchen towel to peel off the skin.

2. In a food processor blend together pistachios, milk eggs and sugar to form a thick paste.

3. Cook over a double boiler whisking continuously till the custard thicken.

4. Strain through a fine mesh.

5. Fold in half the whipped cream a little at a time to make the custard nice and airy.

6. Freeze.

7. For the biscotti beat together the sugar and butter till fluffy (in a machine or with hand blender with whisk attachment).

8. Add one egg at a time to make a smooth mixture.

9. Sift the flour and add slowly to the egg and sugar mixture.

10. Make a smooth dough.

11. At this point, make the dough into small balls (24) and roll out into cigar shapes 1/4 of a inch thick.

12. Place onto a baking sheet and press with your hand and flatten; sprinkle with almond slivers.

13. Bake at 350°F for 20 minutes and remove from the oven. Allow to cool completely. Reduce oven temp to 275°F and bake again for 10 minutes till the cookie hardens. Allow to cool and store in a cool dry place in a air-tight container.

14. Serve in a wine glass with 100 ml ice cream, 2 almond biscotti and a dollop of whipped cream on top.


