Pizza Alla Pancetta

Pizza Alla Pancetta

1. For the dough: Add yeast to your water. Add the all-purpose and wheat flour.

2. Add your EVOO. Add more water if too thick. Knead on a floured surface. Make it a ball.

3. Get a bowl and turn in upside down to the ball. Let rest for 10 minutes to 15 minutes. Then roll it until it becomes the size of a placemat. Put on a baking sheet. Next, prepare your tomato sauce.

4. For the sauce: Put a medium-sized saucepan on the stove. Put your tomatoes in the saucepan. Add your basil, thyme, red pepper flakes and salt. Simmer for 10 minutes. Spread your sauce on the dough. Topping:

5. Add all your toppings to the dough, starting with the cheeses, next the veggies, then the pancetta. Drizzle with EVOO to brown top. Bake for 35 minutes or until cooked through. Slice into 8 pieces and serve. Yields 4 servings, 2 pizza slices each person.


