Pizza Sicilia (Palermo Style Pizza)

Pizza Sicilia (Palermo Style Pizza)

1. Make dough by mixing dough ingredients. Knead 12 to 20 minutes. Pat into a ball, cover it tight and let stand 3 hours in warm place until twice the size.

2. In the oil fry onion tender but not too brown, stir in tomato paste and keep stirring 3 or 4 minutes. Season with spices, pour water over and simmer slowly 25 to 30 minutes. Add anchovies when sauce is done.

3. Procure a low, wide and handsome tin pizza pan, or reasonable substitute, and grease well before spreading the well-raised dough ½ to ¾ inch thick.

4. Poke your finger tips haphazardly into the dough to make marks that will catch the sauce when you pour it on generously.

5. Shake on Parmesan or Parmesan-type cheese and bake in hot oven (350F) ½ hour, then ¼ hour more at lower heat (250F) until the pizza is golden-brown.

6. Cut in wedges like any other pie and serve.


