Pizza Toast - University Student Style

Pizza Toast - University Student Style

1. If using conventional oven, preheat to"hot".

2. (just need to make it toasty so the cheese melts. I'm not a chef. Try 350F maybe?) chop/slice/grate toppings.

3. spread ketcup or pasta sauce on bread slices (if you want lots of flavour, put more).

4. If desired add salt, pepper, garlic poweder to taste if ketchup is too sweet.

5. I'm lazy, so I just use ketchup.

6. Residence means that I don't have all the spices.

7. place toppings (sandwich meat, green pepper, mushrooms etc.) on bread.

8. put more on-- c'mon, it's all good.

9. sprinkle on grated cheese, again to preference.

10. I like LOTS AND LOTS of cheese.

11. put more cheese-- c'mon, you know you want it to be gooey.

12. Put in (toaster) oven until cheese melts and/or it's heated through.

13. *ifyou took my advice and heaped on the cheese, then it might be wise to lower the temperature and heat it through slowly.

14. I usually just use the middle setting on my toaster oven and it's done in less than 5 minutes.

