Poached Turkish Apricots

Poached Turkish Apricots

1. Pre-soak the apricots in boiling water just cover them. Add water as needed to keep apricots just covered.

2. When the apricots are moist and swollen, remove them and place the apricots in a glass bowl with the brandy and orange juice let them steep for 20 minutes.

3. Place the apricots in a sauce pan with the juice and brandy, add the honey, orange rinds, cardamom seeds and almonds and cook for 10 minutes.

4. Lift the apricots from the pot with slotted spoon place in a bowl till needed, add a little more honey and brandy to the almonds and cook for a few minutes more.

5. Stir the apricots back into the nuts gently.

6. Sauce: Heat the cream and reduce by half, add the Amarula and heat through, remove from the heat.

7. Spoon the Amarula cream onto 6 white plates.

8. Place a round of ginger bread in the middle of each puddle and spoon over the apricots and nuts.


