Polish Hunter'S Stew

Polish Hunter'S Stew

1. Cook the bacon until well browned and crisp.

2. Remove bacon and reserve.

3. Add onion to bacon drippings and saute until golden.

4. Add mushrooms and saute briefly.

5. Add flour, mix, then add wine and deglaze pan.

6. Combine all ingredients including the drained sauerkraut and bacon in a braising pan and add enough rather thin brown veal or chicken stock to almost cover.

7. Place in a 350 degree oven with cover until meats are tender.

8. Serve with a dolop of sour cream.

9. NOTE: This dish has traditionally been used as way to use leftover roasts at the end of a holiday period and the above meats are only a suggestion.

10. Literally any meats, fowl or game may be used and the dish is better when reheated.

11. Turkey leftover from Thanksgiving would be a good use of this recipe.

12. Additional cabbage may be added besides the sauerkraut if desired.


