Pork And Apricot Curry

Pork And Apricot Curry

1. Fry the onion in the sunflower oil in a heavy pan until deep golden in colour.

2. Add the pork and fry for further 3 mins stirring.

3. Add the crushed garlic and fry for further 2 minutes.

4. Now add the curry powder and cardamon pods and keep stirring until all the spices in the powder have released their scent.

5. Add tomato puree and stir well then add enough water to cover all ingredients.

6. Add 3/4 can of apricots and all the syrup, chicken bouillon powder, pepper and soy sauce.

7. Simmer covered for 11/2 to 2 hours until pork is meltingly tender.

8. Add last of apricots, coconut cream and salt if necessary.

9. Cook for further 1/2 hour until sauce has thickened, taste again and add lemon juice if needed to balance the sweetness. This curry should be savoury and not too sweet.

10. Best cooked the day before serve topped with fresh coriander, basmati rice, finely sliced onion rings soaked in sweet vinegar and fresh mint and diced fresh tomatoes sprinkled with lemon pepper.


