Pork Empanada

Pork Empanada

1. Make filling:

2. Heat 4 T oil in a frying pan and fry the onions, adding the garlic when onions begin to color. Set aside.

3. Add pork loin and ham to the frying pan and fry till colored, stirring. Set aside (add to onions and garlic).

4. Add 1 T oil, sausage and the peppers to the pan and fry. Add to cooked pork and onions.

5. Deglaze the pan with the wine, allowing it to bubble and reduce. Return all the ingredients to the skillet.

6. Add the tomatoes, saffron, paprika and parsley and season with salt and pepper. Cook gently for 20-30 minutes, leave to cool.

7. Meanwhile, make the dough. Put the cornmeal into a food processor.

8. Add the dried yeast with the sugar.

9. Gradually add the flour, salt, water, oil and 2 eggs and beat, to make a smooth, soft dough.

10. Turn the dough into a clean bowl, cover with a dishtowel and leave in a warm place for 40-50 minutes to rise.

11. preheat oven to 400. Grease a shallow roasting pan or 12x8 dish. Halve the dough, roll out one half on a floured surface, a little larger than the pan.

12. Lift this into place, leaving a border hanging over the edge.

13. Spoon in the filling. roll out the other half of dough and lay in place.

14. Fold the outside edge of bottom crust over the top and press gently all around edges. Prick the surface and brush with beaten egg.

15. Bake pie for 30-35 minutes.

16. Cut into squares.


