Portuguese Felog (Doughnuts)

Portuguese Felog (Doughnuts)

1. Boil together lemon rind and cinnamon stick in water.

2. Meanwhile, into a large bowl, add together all the dry ingredi-

3. ents. Into the boiling water, add butter.

4. When butter is completely melted, remove cinnamon sticks and rind.

5. Pour water into the dry ingredients, mixing very fast.

6. Add one egg at atime, until completely blended.

7. Drop by spoonfuls into hot oil; let cook until puffs brown evenly.

8. Do not pierce with fork; remove puffs from oil and let drain on paper towels.

9. Then remove puffs to another dish of paper towels.

10. When cool,roll on sugar and cinnamon mixture.

11. It will look like a puff but inside will have a texture of an eclair.


