Portuguese Turkey &Amp; Stuffing

Portuguese Turkey &Amp; Stuffing

1. Combine the first 8 ingredients of the marindate then place the thawed turkey in the marinade. Rub the turkey with the marinade, then put some of it inside the turkey. Marinade for 24 hours in the roasting pan in the fridge, turning it over every couple of hours.

2. Remove the turkey from the fridge 2 hours prior to cooking. Preheat the oven to 400°F.

3. Stuff the turkey with the stuffing. If there is too much, place the balance of the stuffing in a pouch made of a double layer of foil, seal then place in the roasting plan.

4. Pour the lemon juice over the turkey, sprinkle with paprika, dot with butter and a drizzle of oil. To the marinade, add the onion and ketchup.

5. Roast approximately 1/2 hour uncovered, then reduce to 325F and cook for 1 hour uncovered. Baste then cover with lid. After 3 hours in the oven, add the potatoes and carrots to the pan, basting with the sauce . Cover the turkey and continue basting throughout the roasting process. (15 min cooking time per lb of turkey to165 F). Allow turkey to rest 20 minutes prior to carving.

6. Stuffing: Combine all off the ingredients together then add the boiling water to attain a thick consistency. Once cool enough to handle, mix well using your hands. Add more bread crumbs if too soft and water if too hard then taste and adjust for seasoning. *Stuffing can be made a day ahead and stored in the refrigerator in an air tight container.


