Portuguese Turkey Stuffing

Portuguese Turkey Stuffing

1. Bring water and milk to boil in 6-quart pot.

2. Remove crusts from cornmeal bread and cut bread into small pieces. Break rolls into small pieces.

3. Reduce heat of boiling liquid to simmer and add rolls and cornmeal bread. Mix, remove from heat and let sit for 20 minutes.

4. Mash bread with hands, or process it in a food processor.

5. Put chouriço in saucepan, cover with water, bring to a boil and boil 3 or 4 minutes. Skin chouriço; grind in meat grinder or food processor and mix into bread mixture.

6. Saute onions with paprika in 4 tablespoons of hot oil until soft. Add the parsley, olives, tomato paste, hot sauce and white pepper.

7. Combine onion mixture with bread mixture and mix. Add egg yolks. Season with salt, and saute in remaining 4 tablespoons hot oil.

8. Cool dressing and stuff turkey.

9. Bake remaining dressing in covered casserole at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes; this can be done in oven with turkeys, during last half-hour they are roasting.

10. YIELD Enough to stuff two 12-pound turkeys, with plenty left over.


