Potato Pancakes - Latkes (Low-Fat Baked Version)

Potato Pancakes - Latkes (Low-Fat Baked Version)

1. Scrub potatoes; steam until almost tender. Plunge into cold water, then peel. Grate coarsely.

2. Grate onion; add.

3. Beat egg with salt, pepper, milk; add to potato-onion mixture.

4. Combine lightly.

5. Preheat oil on rimmed cookie sheet. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto sheet and flatten with back of spoon. Bake at 350F until bottoms brown, about 20 minutes. Turn and brown other side, about 15 minutes more.

6. Makes 16 pancakes. Serve with sour cream, applesauce, cinnamon sugar or jam, or with Baked Fruit Compote.

7. Make Baked Fruit Compote:

8. Arrange pineapple slices, orange sections, and pitted prunes in a shallow 2-quart baking dish.

9. Pour wine over the fruit.

10. Combine brown sugar with spices and orange zest; sprinkle over fruit.

11. Cover and bake at 350F until pineapple is tender, about 45 minutes. Makes 10 servings.


