Potato Patties

Potato Patties

1. Fill a pot with water and place the potatoes in it (the water must cover the potatoes). Heat water at medium until potatoes are soft inside(poke with a toothpick).

2. After the potatoes are done peel them. Put them in a large plastic container, and squish them completely. Cut the cheese into small-medium chunks and mix it with the squished potatoes. Get two of the large eggs and also mix it with the potatoes and cheese.

3. Put a pan with oil at medium heat and wait until the oil is hot. In another small container crak and mix the other twoo egss.

4. Get a small portion of the mixed ingridients and make into a patty then glaze it with the other eggs. Put into the fireand turn when botton is a crispy brown color.

5. Enjoy!


