Potato Refrigerator Kolaches Dough

Potato Refrigerator Kolaches Dough

1. Boil and mash potatoes.

2. While hot add potato water.

3. Mash so there are no lumps; add butter.

4. Add cold water with the powdered milk, sugar and eggs.

5. Add yeast when not too hot.

6. Add 2 cups flour; mix.

7. Add rest of flour; mix until smooth.

8. Put in a covered container so that it is only 1/4 full.

9. Put in refrigerator overnight.

10. Next day make buns size of walnut; put on cookie sheet.

11. Work with dough while cold.

12. If you don't want to work with all the dough at one time, return rest to refrigerator and use next day; this dough is supposed to last in refrigerator for 6 days.

13. Grease the buns with pure lard or oil.

14. Let rise until nearly double.

15. Make dents in the center and put in the filling.

16. Bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown.

17. Remove from oven; grease with shortening; cool.

18. If to be frozen, cool slightly and pack in air tight contaners.

19. Before they get too cold, freeze; if packed slightly warm it keeps in the freshness.


