Potatoe Spinach Pea Casserole

Potatoe Spinach Pea Casserole

1. Cook potatoes until tender and mash/press while still hot.

2. Heat 1 TB oil in a pan and add garlic.

3. Let garlic fry a bit, then add chopped spinach and let wilt.

4. Drain spinach of excess water and puree thoroughly.

5. Add peas.

6. Shred cheese and combine half of it with eggs, nutmeg and sour cream.

7. Butter a casserole form and heat oven to 175°C.

8. Mix potatoes, spinach-pea- and egg-cheese mixture.

9. Transfer to casserole and cover with the rest of the cheese.

10. Let bake for 30 minute (until golden brown) at 175°C.


