Potatos In Yogurt And Methi Sauce

Potatos In Yogurt And Methi Sauce

1. Wash and cut the potatoes in half lengthwise, skin on. Cook it in salted water, until the potatoes becomes tender.

2. Heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds after it splutters add the red chillies and curry leaves, fry till it becomes crispy.

3. Add the methi leaves and stir fry for few minutes, lower the heat, add the chilli powder, cumin powder and salt.

4. Add the potatoes to it and cook for few minutes, mix it well without breaking the potatoes.

5. Add 3 tbs of yogurt to the mixture and stir it thoroughly, check for salt and remove it from heat.

6. Transfer it to a serving bowl, cover it and let it stand for at least 2 hours before serving.

7. Add the remaining 1 tbs yogurt to it just before serving.


