Puff The Magic Dragon'S Easter Eggs

Puff The Magic Dragon'S Easter Eggs

1. Hard-boil the eggs (2 hours for dragon’s eggs, 12 minutes for hens’ eggs).

2. While the eggs are boiling, mix the mayonnaise and wine and put in the fridge to chill.

3. Run the cooked eggs under very cold running water until they are cool, and then tap them gently all over (using a hammer for dragon’s eggs, or a kitchen spoon for hens’ eggs).

4. Carefully remove the shells from the eggs and, if desired, dip them in food colouring.

5. The eggs now need a nest – if you were unable to steal some of the dragon’s nest, you can make your own by lining a nice basket or shallow serving bowl with the fresh herbs.

6. Place the eggs in the nest and spoon the mayonnaise mixture over them.

7. Sprinkle with paprika.


