Quiche Con Patata (Spanish Inspired Quiche)

Quiche Con Patata (Spanish Inspired Quiche)

1. Preheat oven 350 degrees fahrenheit or 177 degrees celcius.

2. Prepare pie crust in 9 inch pie, cake, or tart pan and refrigerate until ready to fill and bake.

3. Dice potatoes, ham, and onion and place into individual medium-small bowls. (One bowl per ingredient).

4. In a large bowl, beat 5 eggs well.

5. Add milk and sour cream to eggs and beat until smooth.

6. Add spices (to taste) to the egg mixture and beat until evenly mixed.

7. Add potatoes, ham, onion, and cheese to egg mixture and stir until evenly mixed.

8. Pour egg mixture into pie crust until pie crust is full.

9. Sprinkle additional cheese on top if desired, and bake for 1 hour-85 minutes, or until top when inserted into the center, a knife or toothpick comes out clean.

10. Let cool, and serve warm with sour cream (if desired).


