Quick Pasta Sauce

Quick Pasta Sauce

1. Chop chilie and garlic.

2. Place into a small pan with the olive oil.

3. Allow the chilie and garlic to sweat.

4. Slice the mushrooms.

5. Add to the chilie and garlic.

6. Allow the mushrooms to heat thoroughly.

7. Add a small amount of cream; mix thoroughly.

8. Now add the crab meat and the rest of the cream in equal amounts, so the crab meat doesn't lump together, continuously stirring as you go.

9. Do not allow the cream to boil!

10. As this reduces the "creamy" taste.

11. Allow the mixture to simmer together for a few minutes, or until you're pasta is cooked!

12. Add the chopped dill, salt and pepper to taste.

13. Remember to save some of the dill to put on the dish once served.

