Quick Sweet Lamb Curry (Microwave Or Oven)

Quick Sweet Lamb Curry (Microwave Or Oven)

1. Peel and slice onion.

2. Combine in a large flat dish with curry powder and butter.

3. Cook covered at high power in the microwave for 4 minutes.

4. Peel and slice apple and banana.

5. Add to onion with currants, coconut, chutney and flour.

6. Stir.

7. Add meat and stock and stir again.

8. Add salt and pepper.

9. Microwave: Cook covered on high power for 6 minutes, then medium-low power (50%) for 20-25 minutes until meat is almost tender.

10. Rearrange meat in dish once during the cooking.

11. Stand covered for 10-15 minutes before serving.

12. Oven: Put everything into an oven-proof dish with the lid on.

13. Cook at 180 degrees (celcius) for 1 1/2 – 2 hrs.

14. Stir once during cooking.


