Ras Gulla (Indian Cheese Balls In Sugar Syrup )

Ras Gulla (Indian Cheese Balls In Sugar Syrup )

1. Bring milk to boil and add salt. Remove from heat and add yogurt into it. Stir gently until all the milk curdles. Strain the curdled milk in a thin muslin cloth. Squeeze gently until all the liquid is gone. You now have paneer.

2. Put the paneer in a large bowl and knead with the palms of your hand until it becomes smooth and soft.

3. Add the flour and bicarbonate of soda and knead a few more minutes. Roll and shape into small balls, the size of a ping-pong ball.

4. Dissolve the sugar in the water over gentle heat. Set aside half the syrup.

5. Bring the other half to boil and gently slip in the balls of paneer. Simmer for 10 minutes and then raise the heat, adding a little water to thin the syrup if necessary. The rasgullas are done when the float to the surface.

6. Drain and put them in the syrup that was set aside.

7. Sprinkle with rose water.

8. Serve cold.


