Real Traditional Tamales

Real Traditional Tamales

1. You have to beat the lard, (I use a machine), beat it until it gets soft, and fluffy.

2. Add the flour, and keep beating it.

3. Into a blender put the jalapenos, onion, tomatoes, salt, and the peregil. Add some water, you are making a salsa.

4. In another pot, put some water and the chicken, and boil them.

5. Take a big spoon of the mixture of the lard and spread it on the corn leaves, add a spoon of salsa, and a piece of chicken in it. Wrap the husk so the flour mixture seals around the meat and salsa

6. Keep doing this until the mixture is gone

7. Steam them in an oversized pot.

8. In mexico we use special pots, you can use any but be sure to cook them in the vapor.

9. Let it cook, you'll know when its ready when you touch the tamale and its not fluffy any more, it gets solid.

10. When you eat it put the leaf into the trash can, you won't eat the leaf, in mexico people add some cream over it and thats good.


