Recado Rojor - Achiote Paste

Recado Rojor -  Achiote Paste

1. Grind the spices (annato, coriander, cumin, peppercorns, oregano and cloves) in a spice mill or with a mortar and pestle.

2. Blend the ground spices with remaining ingredients until it is smooth.

3. Moisten with the vinegar or bitter orange juice so that you have a smooth paste.

4. Form the paste into small disks or balls and let them dry, or put the paste into an airtight container to dry. Whether dried, or as a paste, the recado will keep for several months when refrigerated.

5. To use, mix with more Seville orange juice.

6. Rub the mixture onto chicken, pork or fish and let it marinate for 4-6 hours then cook as usual. Or use the achiote as an ingredient in another dish.


