Red Bell Pepper Tapas

Red Bell Pepper Tapas

1. Adjust broiler rack to within a 4 inches of heat source.

2. Cover broiler pan with foil and preheat broiler.

3. Place peppers on hot foil.

4. Broil for 15-20 minutes, turning each pepper every 5 minutes until skin is blackened.

5. Remove peppers from broiler and place in a brown paper bag.

6. Roll top of bag down and set aside for 15 minutes, this steams the skins which makes removing the skin easier.

7. Peel peppers by cutting around the stem and twisting it, halve peppers and peel the skin back with a knife.

8. Rinse peppers with cold water and remove seeds.

9. Slice pepper halves lengthwise into 1/4 inch strips.

10. Place pepper strips into a jar.

11. Add oregano, garlic and oil.

12. Close the lid and shake to blend.

13. Allow to marinate an hour.

14. We like this served with garlic bread.

15. This will keep one week in the refrigerater in jar.

16. I haven't tried letting it marinate that long but I bet it would be great.

17. Cooking time includes steaming and marinating time.


