Red Belly Bread

Red Belly Bread

1. On the stove cook the first four ingredients until the water has evaporated (lets call this combination "(A*)".

2. With the next four ingredients in a clean sauce pan: Scald milk (not boil).

3. Add sugar and shortening and salt. (Lets call this combination "(B*)").

4. For the next 3 ingredients: Put in a glass bowl and let sit 15 minutes. (Lets call this combination (C*) .

5. Combine (B*) and (C*) and add 5 cups of flour with about 1-2 cups of water (I use about 1 1/2 cups) Mix with spoon very fast.

6. Roll onto a floured board for 8-10 minutes adding about 1 cup of flour as necessary for rolling purposes to stop it from sticking to the board.

7. Shape into one ball and cover with a clean tea towel and let it rise for about one hour.

8. Divide into 4-5 balls, and roll each ball out about 1/4 inch thin.

9. Spread coconut mixture (A*) onto it, roll up, tucking the ends under.

10. Place on a cookie sheet sprayed with non-stick spray (or on a greased cookie sheet), seam side down, leaving a little gap between loaves.

11. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.


