Red-Wine Wassail

Red-Wine Wassail

1. In a large saucepan or kettle, combine the apple juice, sugar, almonds and raisins; slowly stir in the red wine.

2. Take a large piece of cheesecloth and place the cinnamon sticks and 24 whole cloves on it; with string, tie it up to make a small bundle and drop this into the red wine mixture.

3. Heat slowly over low heat; don't let it boil.

4. Meanwhile, make this unique garnish: stuff the centre of each apple with 3 tbsp sugar and stick each apple with a few whole cloves.

5. Spray a baking dish with non-stick cooking spray and place the apples in it; bake, covered, at 350F for 45 minutes.

6. Bake the apples about an hour or so before you want to serve the wassail.

7. Pour the heated wassail into a large punch bowl, discarding the spice bag, and then add the baked apples; they are a treat for those still around when the wassail is gone!


