Regina Margherita Skillet Chicken

Regina Margherita Skillet Chicken

1. Pound the chicken pieces thinly then dredge lightly in flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Tip: I use a fine mesh sieve. To do this, place the chicken in a shallow pan to catch any flour dust then lightly coat the chicken pieces with flour using the sieve.

2. Heat up the olive oil a large skillet over medium heat.

3. Place the chicken pieces in the pan and cook until golden on both sides. You will need to do this in batches. Transfer the browned pieces onto a warming tray or lined baking sheet in a low oven (300ยบ or thereabouts.).

4. Once browning is complete, transfer all the cooked chicken parts to the warming tray arranging them singly on the tray.

5. On each piece place about 2 thin slices of the fresh mozzarella and several tomato slices.

6. Return the baking sheet to the oven and melt the cheese slightly-perhaps only a few minutes-checking periodically.

7. Transfer the chicken to a serving platter.

8. Garnish the chicken with minced fresh basil and a sprinkle of cracked black pepper.

9. Serve immediately.


