Rejuvenated Rustic Turkey – Artichoke Panini

Rejuvenated Rustic Turkey – Artichoke Panini

1. Lightly toast pine nuts in cast-iron frying pan or oven; pour nuts into small bowl; set aside to cool.

2. Melt butter in empty pan, sauté shallots, stirring lightly; set aside.

3. Coarsely chop artichokes, then add to shallots in warm pan; set aside.

4. Cut focaccia bread into four equal sandwich portions, then slice horizontally; spread each slice with one tablespoon of mayonnaise.

5. Layer spinach and tomato slices equally on four of the bread slices.

6. Add the grated cheese and toasted pine-nuts to the artichokes-shallot mixture in the pan; quickly divide into four portions and spoon over the spinach and tomatoes.

7. Add one fourth of the turkey breast meat to each of the sandwiches, lightly add salt & pepper and cayenne pepper flakes to taste; put the lid on the sandwich and press lightly.

8. Place sandwiches into panini-maker and heat per manufacturer’s suggestions….OR….place sandwiches into large buttered medium-hot frying pan, place another heavy frying pan on top; then press down firmly to heat sandwich like this for 1-2 minutes.


