Rhineland Sauerbraten

Rhineland Sauerbraten

1. Peel and dice onion, carrot and parsnip.

2. In a large pot, caramelize 1 tablespoon sugar until light brown, deglaze with vinegar and let simmer for 1 minute.

3. Add vegetables, parsley and spices, simmer for 2 more minutes. Add red wine, bring to a boil and simmer about 3 minutes.

4. Let cool completely.

5. Put chuck roast into marinade (in an airtight container or ziplock bag) and let marinate for 5-6 days in the fridge.

6. Remove meat from marinade, pat dry.

7. Strain marinade and reserve both liquid and vegetables and spices.

8. In a pot, heat clarified butter.

9. Salt and pepper chuck roast and dust with flour.

10. Sear in hot fat until nicely browned from all sides.

11. Remove met from pot, set aside.

12. Roast vegetables and spices in the fat for 1 minute, add 1 teaspoon brown sugar, slightly caramelize and deglaze with some marinade.

13. Bring to a boil, then add remaining marinade and broth.

14. Add meat and crumbled gingerbread, bring to a slow boil, let boil for about 2 hours until meat is tender.

15. remove meat from pot and strain sauce through a sieve, press vegetables through the sieve and let the sauce boil for about 10 minutes.

16. Add raisins, simmer for 10 more minutes. Season with salt and pepper and maybe more sugar to taste.

17. Put meat back into pot, heat and serve with spaetzle or potato dumplings.

18. Enjoy!


