Ribollita (Florentine)

Ribollita (Florentine)

1. Cook the beans in 2 litres of cold water. When cooked mash 3/4 of the beans and return to the bean stock reserving the rest for later.

2. In another pan cook one onion (finely sliced) in 8 tbsp of olive oil. When golden add the tomato puree diluted with a little stock. Add the carrots and celery (chopped), swiss chard and cabbage (sliced) and the potatos cut into large chunks. Season and cook for a few minutes with the lid on, now add the bean stock and cook for an hour .

3. Add the bread in chunks and the reserved cooked beans, cook for a further 10 minutes and remove from the heat stir well and allow to cool.

4. Put the soup into a large oven proof dish and cover with slices of onion, pepper and a little olive oil. Put in a hot oven until the onion is golden. Cool a moment and serve with a bowl of parmesan for sprinkling.


