Ricotta Chesecake

Ricotta Chesecake

1. Special equipment: 8 inch round spring form pan with 2 1/2 inch high sides.

2. Put ricotta in fine mesh strainer set over bowl drain for 30 minute.

3. Arrange rack in lower 1/3 of oven and preheat to 350 degrees. Grease a 8 inch spring form pan with 2 1/2 inch sides with butter. Mix 1 Tablespoon sugar and bread crumbs in a small bowl; sprinkle over buttered pan to coat. Tap out excess crumbs.

4. Transfer ricotta to a processor. Purée for 15 seconds. Scape down sides of processor; purée until smooth. Add cream cheese; purée until smooth. Add remaining sugar and all other ingredients; purée scrapping down sides occasionally, until smooth, about 30 seconds.

5. Scrape batter into prepared pan.

6. Bake cheesecake until golden brown and just set, about 1 hour 15 minutes. Transfer to rack and let cool in pan without moving(cake will fall slightly). Refrigerate uncovered until cool at least 4 hours or chill over night. To serve, wrap a warm towel around pan to release cake. Remove pan sides. dust with powered sugar. Cut into wedges.

7. Note: I use parchment paper to cover disk and sides of spring form pan follow instructions for greasing pan with butter.Put parchment paper over disk then lock into place cut 2 1/2 inch stripes for the sides and be sure to grease the sides so the parchment adheres well before putting around the sides before adding the batter.


