Rinones Espanol ( Spanish Style Kidneys)

Rinones Espanol  ( Spanish Style Kidneys)

1. Cut kidney lenghtways and remove as much of the white tubes as possible, chop into 1" cubes and soak in cold water for 1 hour.

2. Meanwhile chop the vegetable for the dish.

3. Sit back and relax. The cooking begins when the kidneys have finished soaking.

4. Drain the kineys. Heat the oil in a pan, and, melt the butter in the oil.

5. Fry the onions and garlic till just turning golden. Add the vegetables and kidneys. Fry for 5 minutes Add the brandy and tip the pan to the flame (flambe). When the flames have died out, pour in the sherry and cream.

6. Cover pan, reduce heat to minimum and cook for 5 minutes.

7. Check the seasoning for salt and add a grind of black pepper.


