Risotto Cakes

Risotto Cakes

1. Combine risotto, spinach, tomato (or red pepper) and seasonings in a bowl and mix well until combined.

2. Lightly grease a mini-muffin pan or spray it with oil, spoon the mixture into the recesses until the tops are rounded, and sprinkle the risotto cakes with parmesan.

3. Bake in a moderate oven (180ºC) for 15 to 20 minutes or until the risotto cakes are firm and golden. If serving warm, allow the risotto cakes to rest in the pan for 5 minutes before removing them from the pan.

4. Serving Suggestions: Serve at room temperature with a salad. Or warm with grilled or BBQd meats, or as part of a vegetarian meal. If you want to serve them with a sauce, I recommend ~*Pamela*~in Winnipeg’s Mushroom Sauce for Meatballs #121093.


