Roast Vegetable Lasagne With Spinach And Ricotta

Roast Vegetable Lasagne With Spinach And Ricotta

1. Place the vegetables in a roasting dish, cover in the olive oil and brown sugar and season well with salt and pepper. Tear the basil over the top of the vegies.

2. Roast at 180C for around 45 minutes.

3. While the vegetables are roasting, make pasta sauce (if you are using homemade) and spinach/ricotta mix.

4. For the spinach and ricotta mix, defrost the spinach in the microwave.

5. Mix into the thawed spinach the ricotta, cubed feta and parmesan. Stir thoroughly and season with salt and pepper.

6. Layer the lasagne as follows: Pasta sauce on the bottom, then lasagne sheet, ricotta mix, lasagne sheet, vegetables (minus the garlic cloves), lasagne sheet, ricotta mix, lasagne sheet, pasta sauce, cheddar cheese. Finish off with the second amount of parmesan over the top of the lasagne (this helps create a great golden colour and a delicious flavour once it's cooked). I also like to add another dash of cracked pepper to the top for good measure.

7. Bake the lasagne at 180C for 30 - 40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown.

8. If you feel so inclined, you can use the roasted cloves of garlic to make garlic butter for homemade garlic bread. Yum!


