Romanian Mititei Recipe

Romanian Mititei Recipe

1. 1. Grind the meat very well all through a meat grinder (if is not already ground).

2. 2. Mix ( with hands ) the meat with salt and baking soda, occasionally adding a bit from broth (water / beer).

3. 3. Add the remaining spices, garlic diluted in lemon juice and mix well ( at least 15 min).

4. 4. Allow to cool in the fridge for at least 6 hours, preferably until the next day.

5. 5. Remove the meat from the fridge, with wet hands form mititei in 7- 8cm / 3 inches long and 2-3 cm / 1 inch thick. ( tubular shape).

6. 6. Put them on preheat hot grill at medium heat for 4 minutes on each side, 4 sides.

7. It usually served hot with classic mustard, buns (sweet bread) and cold beer.

8. Will be very good if you will use only pork but not fat and beef broth or beer in recipe.


