Rose Elliot'S Thai Flavoured Mushroom Stroganoff (Veggie)

Rose Elliot'S Thai Flavoured Mushroom Stroganoff (Veggie)

1. Start with rice. Put into pan with tumeric and pint of water. Cook for 15 mins or until water has been absorbed by rice. Fluff with fork and keep warm, covered until required.

2. Heat the rapeseed oil in a large saucepan, add mushrooms, stir and cover and cook for 5 minutes.

3. Add lemongrass, lime, ginger. Keep over heat for a few seconds.

4. Blend the cornflour to a thin paste with a little of the coconut milk aand set aside.

5. Add the remaining coconut milk to the mushrooms, simmer for 5 mins, then pour in cornflour paste, stir for a minute or so until it thickens.

6. Season with salt and pepper and remove the lemon grass stalks.

7. Serve with the rice.

8. This recipe is taken from Rose Elliot's Vegetarian Supercook book:


