Rouladen'S Cousin Pepperladen

Rouladen'S Cousin Pepperladen

1. Spread out the 4 rouladens, salt& pepper them.

2. Put a tbsp of hot pickled peppers on each one.

3. Mix all the veggies (mushrooms,celery, green onions,garlic,sweet peppers, and onion).

4. distribute them equally at the narrow edge of each rouladen.

5. Sprinkle with Mrs Dash.

6. Roll each one jelly roll style and secure with a toothpick.

7. Place rouladen in a crockpot (slowcooker).

8. Pour over the celery soup.

9. Cook on low for 5 hours.

10. Just before serving add the 4 chopped sun dried tomatoes and the hot sauce.

11. Use this as a sauce over cooked buttered noodles or other pasta.


