Rum And Pepper Painted Filet Mignon

Rum And Pepper Painted Filet Mignon

1. Toast the black peppercorns and the cloves together in a dry skillet over moderately high heat until you see puffs of smoke.

2. (About 1 minute.) Now grind them together in an electric spice grinder.

3. Transfer them to a heavy sauce pan.

4. Add the remaining ingredients and heat all together on medium heat.

5. The mixture will begin to foam as it reduces.

6. When it has reduced by approximately half, about 25-35 minutes strain it through a fine-mesh strainer into a bowl.

7. Reserve until needed.

8. NOTE: The rum can suddenly ignite when reducing.

9. Be sure to have a lid or another pan handy to cover the paint pan. It will immediately extinguish the oxygen and the flame.

10. Then lower the heat a touch, remove the lid and proceed.

11. On pie plate place 3 bulbs of garlic cut in half and drizzle with oil and salt and pepper.

12. In hot pan with clarified butter sear tenderloin.

13. In hot pan with clarified butter sear tenderloin on one side and flip over.

14. Glaze the tenderloin with the paint and finish in the oven for 2-5 minutes.

15. Garnish with roasted garlic and serve.


