Sakura Sauce

Sakura Sauce

1. In a medium bowl, add the 3 egg yolks, whole egg, and a little vegetable oil.

2. Note: Be careful to add the oil very slowly. If too much is added at once, the mixture will separate and be wasted. You can tell the mixture has separated when it does not look smooth and creamy like mayonnaise.

3. Using a hand-held blender, begin mixing until of mayonnaise consistency, slowly adding the rest of the oil.

4. Add white pepper, salt, soy sauce, and remaining oil.

5. Mix until well blended.

6. Use with seafood or chicken, covering with sakura sauce when almost completely cooked.

7. Sprinkle wine around food, simmering for 3 to 4 minutes, and serve.

8. *The wine creates steam so sauce will cook on top.


