Salade Esotica

Salade Esotica

1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Gently mix artichoke hearts with oil and garlic.

3. Spread on metal roasting pan and roast for 1 hour. Toss a few times, if desired.

4. Meanwhile, evenly share the baby greens among 4 salad plates and arrange 1/4 of the rest of the ingredients (except avocado) on top of each plate.

5. When artichokes are done, let cool slightly and cut in half. Put about four artichoke halves on each plate.

6. Just before serving, peel and chop avocado and put 1/4 on each plate.

7. Sprinkle the top of each plate with optional ingredients, if using.

8. Or, just toss everything together and serve.


